Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fear Factor

As nonchalant... a cute little pig being accused of spreading the dreaded swine flu virus.

All this news about the AH1N1 virus is driving everyone mad. Just recently I had a little bout with flu, and this sends everyone in the office running for bottles of disinfectant and alcohol. Even my mom orders me to go to the hospital for an SOP check-up. I couldn't blame them, though. It's spreading like wildfire, and the least we all could do right now is to prevent the virus from stepping inside our bodies.

Good thing that the doctor told me what I had was just a seasonal fever, otherwise I would have freaked out like the rest of them. :D

As a precautionary measure, I am taking batches of multivitamins and ascorbic acid. It's better to be careful, really. :)