Friday, April 24, 2009

A Meeting Is A Meeting Is A Meeting...

As riveting... answering ten client questions in record-breaking two minutes.

A meeting is a meeting is a meeting--no matter how fast you downplay your meeting time or how long it takes for you to explain stuff--it's still going to be another scheduled meeting off the calendar list. Even if you cross it out, it will still pave way for more follow ups. Which creates another cycle of meetings, meetings, meetings.

And what's surprising about this realization is I'm not even annoyed. I like meetings. It just means I have a job that's paying me, and in this uncertain times I think it's one good news.

Ah, life. :)


Stephanie said...

I was going to give my condolences, but you are very optimistic. :] I really hate schedules, they feel so suffocating, but I've never thought to be grateful for them. Very good point.

A Clockwork Orange said...

Thank you Stephanie :D well, at times you just want to hate meetings because they consume so much time. But it does bring the work to the table, so be it :D

I'm just happy to work :)

Nancy said...

You have a very pretty blog. I never liked all the meetings. Most of them had very little to do with my job and they just kept me from doing my work. But I certainly agree that a paying job right now is a luxury!

Thanks for stopping by my blog ~

A Clockwork Orange said...

Thank you, Lover of Life! :) It's also wonderful of you to stop by my page.

Yup, don't we love meetings :) They pay us to talk and talk :)