Thursday, April 16, 2009


As calming... pastel colours after a crazy round of intense rebuttals.

I am seriously mad today. I got into an argument with somebody, and as always, my case never made it to the court.

Here's a shoutout: all I need is a heartfelt apology!

So here I am, in front of my computer monitor, looking at pastel colours. I know it's weird, but it does work for me, soothing me when things get too heated. How about you? What's your cooler when you overheat?


Natasha Rostova said...

The best medicine is Haydn and Mozart.

A Clockwork Orange said...

You are so right about that, Natasha :) coupled with deep breathing, it is quite handy in dealing with sudden rush of heat in the head :-)

McLovin said...

I vent through blogging, probably why I made my site in the first place =P

A Clockwork Orange said...

good to hear that, Mclovin :)